In 2013, I  started recording the complete organworks of J.S. Bach in a chronological order on important modern instruments. The goal of this concept is to show the step-by-step development in  Bach's compositions and the birth of modern organ types in our time: both artforms are closely connected for they show a kaleidoscopic range of forms, tending to coherence and synthesis. The results of the recordings are quite unusual!


All organworks composed until 1710 (290+ minutes of music) are recorded and available to listen on alle main digital platforms like Apple Music, AmazonMusic, Spotify, Qobuz, Deezer, YouTube and many others. Starting with the introvert Fantasia in C BWV 570, this era concludes with the exuberant Toccata and Fuge in d BWV 565.

On YouTube all tracks are available for free (with advertisements); subscribe for a better audio quality for a platform like  Spotify, Deezer or Qobuz. These recording are only available online, not as a physical CD-production.


Overview and YouTube links:


Chapter One: organworks from 1699-1704, recorded on the 1965 Von Beckerath-organ in St. Michaeliskirche, Hildesheim (D). A.o. Neumeister Choräle, Partita Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, Fantasias BWV 570, 563,1121, 571; Preludes and Fuges BWV 531,533, 549, 551.

Chapter Two: organworks from 1704-1708, recorded on the 1959 Schuke-organ in St. Petrikirche, Mülheim an der Ruhr (D). A.o. Neumeister Choräle, Chorale Preludes BWV 718,720, 754; Partitas Christ du bist der helle Tag and O Gott du frommer Gott, Fuges BWV 579, 574, Toccata BWV 566a.

Chapter Three: organworks from 1708-1710, recorded on the 1981 Kleuker-organ in Église Chants d'oiseaux, Bruxelles (B). A.o. chorales BWV 727,730,731, Fantasia BWV 569, Preludes and Fuges BWV 535, 550, Fuges BWV 575,577, Toccata and Fuge in d BWV 565.

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